David Allio - From the Ability category:
If you have real abilities prove them. Accomplish something of value with your gifts and talents. (David Allio)
David Allio - From the Accomplishment category:
Be focused to become accomplished. (David Allio)
David Allio - From the Advice category:
Be like a rose - beautiful to those who appreciate your talents and a prick to those who don't. (David Allio)
David Allio - From the Appreciation category:
I confirm that without an appreciation of art no one can comprehend the multi-faceted, complicated components that comprise true physical beauty. (David Allio)
David Allio - From the Drunkenness category:
One of the the easiest questions is: What do you want to drink? Tennessee sipping whiskey, if you please. Drink is beauty in simplicity thanks to the masters of that craft. (David Allio)
David Allio - From the Education category:
Education is no substitute for pure raw talent. However, it is a good foundation on which talent may build. (David Allio)
David Allio - From the Focus category:
The key to being focused is to intensely enjoy whatever you are doing. (David Allio)
David Allio - From the Imagination category:
Absent imagination and artistic vision, we are blind to the wonders of creation. (David Allio)
David Allio - From the Importance category:
Why is it so important to me to create artworks from the natural nude human form?
Every true artist deserves to start with the basic blank canvas that God created. (David Allio)
David Allio - From the Leadership category:
The best way to inspire others? Lead by example in order to increase their expectations. (David Allio)
David Allio - From the Magic category:
A photograph becomes a work of art when technical skills combine with creative insight to produce visual magic. (David Allio)
David Allio - From the Nudes category:
When women pose thoughtfully and artistically - in nothing but their bare skin - they find themselves. They discover that they are truly alive. They become a Nude. (David Allio)
David Allio - From the Nudes category:
Naked is a human commodity. Nudity is God's art. (David Allio)
David Allio - From the Photography category:
Photography is my job. The creation of beautiful fine art is my passion. (David Allio)
David Allio - From the Photography category:
Photograph what makes you happy. It may not have value to anyone else, but it will have value to you. (David Allio)
David Allio - From the Questions category:
One of the toughest question I've ever had to answer is: Can there be beauty without art? (David Allio)
David Allio - From the Spontaneity category:
A woman or man dare not be called a worthy model so long as they are ignorant of the spontaneous nature of art. (David Allio)
David Allio - From the Uniqueness category:
The friction of inspiration against imagination
creates the spark of unique visions. (David Allio)
David Allio - From the Work category:
Proficiency is often nothing more than good work practices repeated. (David Allio)