CJ Rider quotes
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CJ Rider Quotes

Quotes by CJ Rider - (28 quotes)

CJ Rider - From the Abstraction category:

Abstract Art is Heightened Realism. (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Art category:

Abstract art follows the normal niceties of color harmony, elemental balance, focal point, etc. (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Artists category:

The abstract artist utilizes the basic rules of design, composition, color to create something new from within. (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Confidence category:

Don't apologize for who you are or the art you create. (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Contrasts category:

The most beautiful composition can be dashed by improper use of color and contrast. Composition, Light source, Contrast. (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Copying category:

Xerox copies, Artists Create. (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Criticism category:

How humiliating if someone sees your innermost id and makes criticism. Nothing is more far reaching and damaging with less said. (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Criticism category:

We are fed propaganda that abstract painters are sloppy renegades with total disregard for the rules and formalities of art... (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Critics category:

Art criticism is only as valid as that individual's experience in life. (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Critics category:

The abstractionist often endures the wrath or quiet dismissal of art critics and collectors. (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Design category:

A good abstract is created by design, carefully orchestrated by the artist. (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Ego category:

Don't equate criticism of your artwork to self-worth! (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Finishing category:

A painting is completed in the last 15 minutes. (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Genius category:

True genius in art reveals something of self. (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Influence category:

If you allow outside influence to hammer at your creativity, you may be well-tempered, but will you be as inspirational as you can be? (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Mentors category:

We regard, we copy, we emulate those we admire until we can create - then there must be a breaking away. (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Photography category:

Photographs Lie! Sometimes on purpose, sometimes not. When drawing/painting from photos, there is nothing like referring back to the real thing for truth and clarity! (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Portraiture category:

Portraits remembered are not always the truest likeness of the subject but capture the nuance of a sentiment which inspires inner reflection. (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Questions category:

When showing your art, never ask, 'What do you think?' unless you really want to know! (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Realism category:

All the factors that make a realistic painting good will be found in an abstract painting that is considered good. (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Rules category:

It is my contention that you have to KNOW THE RULES before you can efficiently break them. (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Rules category:

Sometimes the rules will emerge from the abstract painting itself, to create a balanced whole. (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Searching category:

Use talents and life experience as a quest for personal truth. (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Style category:

Abstract art can provide limitless freedom, but not without rules, or there would be chaos. (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Subject category:

Just because it is there, doesn't mean you have to paint it. (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Talent category:

No matter your vast amount of talent, will you have that special charisma to others if you are not true to your creative inner self? (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Thought category:

Paint from the pit of your furthest reaching thoughts - inward or outward. (CJ Rider)

CJ Rider - From the Time category:

We are not 'one-coat' wonders - give yourself time to develop your artwork. (CJ Rider)