Auguste Rodin quotes
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Auguste Rodin Quotes

Quotes by Auguste Rodin - (40 quotes)

Auguste Rodin - From the Artists category:

The artist is the confidant of nature; flowers carry on dialogues with him through the graceful bending of their stems and the harmoniously tinted nuances of their blossoms. Every flower has a cordial word which nature directs toward him. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Beauty category:

What is commonly called ugliness in nature can in art become full of beauty. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Beauty category:

There is nothing ugly in art except that which is without character, that is to say, that which offers no outer or inner truth. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Character category:

If the artist only reproduces superficial features as photography does, if he copies the lineaments of a face exactly, without reference to character, he deserves no admiration. The resemblance which he ought to obtain is that of the soul. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Choices category:

I choose a block of marble and chop off whatever I don't need. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Colour category:

Now colour... is the flower of fine modelling. These two qualities always accompany each other, and it is these qualities which give to every masterpiece of the sculptor the radiant appearance of living flesh. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Contemplation category:

Art is contemplation. It is the pleasure of the mind which searches into nature and there defines the spirit of which Nature herself is animated. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Criticism category:

Recently I have taken to isolating limbs, the torso. Why am I blamed for it? Why is the head allowed and not portions of the body? Every part of the human figure is expressive. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Desperation category:

-writing to his lover Camille Claudel...
Have pity, mean girl. I can't go on. I can't go another day without seeing you. Atrocious madness, it's the end, I won't be able to work anymore. Malevolent goddess, and yet I love you furiously. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Drawing category:

What is this drawing? Not once in describing the shape of that mass did I shift my eyes from the model. Why? Because I wanted to be sure that nothing evaded my grasp of it... My objective is to test to what extent my hands already feel what my eyes see. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Drawing category:

My drawings are the result of my sculpture. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Emotion category:

I grant you that the artist does not see Nature as she appears to the vulgar, because his emotion reveals to him the hidden truths beneath appearances. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Eroticism category:

-talking about an antique marble copy of the Venus de' Medici...
It is truly flesh! You would think it moulded by kisses and caresses! You almost expect, when you touch this body, to find it warm. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Failure category:

He who is discouraged after a failure is not a real artist. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Fire category:

The artist must create a spark before he can make a fire, and before art is born, the artist must be ready to be consumed by the fire of his own creation. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Gender category:

People say I think too much about women, yet, after all what is there more important to think about? (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Genius category:

Genius only comes to those who know how to use their eyes and their intelligence. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Genius category:

The modes of expression of men of genius differ as much as their souls, and it is impossible to say that in some among them, drawing and colour are better or worse than in others. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Happiness category:

Work lovingly done is the secret of all order and all happiness. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Methodology category:

The only principle in art is to copy what you see. Dealers in aesthetics to the contrary, every other method is fatal. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Models category:

In front of the model I work with the same will to reproduce truth as if I were making a portrait. I do not correct nature, I incorporate myself into it; it directs me. I can only work with a model. The sight of human forms nourishes and comforts me. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Movement category:

The sculptor represents the transition from one pose to another... he indicates how insensibly the first glides into the second. In his work we still see a part of what was and we discover a part of what is to be. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Movement category:

If the artist succeeds in producing the impression of a movement which takes several moments for accomplishment, his work is certainly much less conventional than the scientific image, where time is abruptly suspended. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Mysteries category:

Mystery is like a kind of atmosphere which bathes the greatest works of the masters. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Nature category:

To the artist there is never anything ugly in nature. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Nudes category:

Man's naked form... belongs to no particular moment in history; it is eternal, and can be looked upon with joy by the people of all ages. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Nudes category:

I have unbounded admiration for the nude. I worship it like a god. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Nudes category:

The body always expresses the spirit whose envelope it is. And for him who can see, the nude offers the richest meaning. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Originality category:

I invent nothing. I rediscover. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Photography category:

It is the artist who is truthful and it is photography which lies, for in reality time does not stop... (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Rejection category:

- about a work he created that was so realistic, he was accused of creating the work from a mold...
How painful it is to find that my figure can be of no help to my future... how painful to see it rejected on account of a slanderous suspicion! (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Sculpture category:

As paradoxical as it may seem a great sculptor is as much a colourist as the best painter, or rather the best engraver. He plays so skillfully with all the resources of relief, he blends so well the boldness of light with the modesty of shadow, that his sculptures please one, as much as the most charming etchings. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Sculpture category:

Sculpture is the art of the hole and the lump. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Sculpture category:

Where did I learn to understand sculpture? In the woods by looking at the trees, along roads by observing the formation of clouds, in the studio by studying the model, everywhere except in the schools. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Seeing category:

A mediocre man copying nature will never produce a work of art, because he really looks without seeing, and though he may have noted each detail minutely, the result will be flat and without character... the artist on the contrary, sees; that is to say, his eye, grafted on his heart, reads deeply into the bosom of nature. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Technique category:

If we now seek the spiritual significance of the technique of Michelangelo we shall find that his sculpture expressed restless energy... (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Time category:

Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Truth category:

To any artist, worthy of the name, all in nature is beautiful, because his eyes, fearlessly accepting all exterior truth, read there, as in an open book, all the inner truth. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Unknowns category:

There are unknown forces in nature; when we give ourselves wholly to her, without reserve, she lends them to us; she shows us these forms, which our watching eyes do not see, which our intelligence does not understand or suspect. (Auguste Rodin)

Auguste Rodin - From the Work category:

You must always work. (Auguste Rodin)