Henryk Ptasiewicz - From the Artists category:
More and more people are becoming artists. There is a need to make your voice heard in this age where we are becoming less and less empowered. (Henryk Ptasiewicz)
Henryk Ptasiewicz - From the Masters category:
Picasso was always re-inventing himself, he was always exploring, and my thinking is that he was right to do so. We can't all be him, but I too need to express myself in more than one way... (Henryk Ptasiewicz)
Henryk Ptasiewicz - From the Production category:
The production of work is cumulative; nothing is produced in isolation and everything contributes something to the next piece. (Henryk Ptasiewicz)
Henryk Ptasiewicz - From the Realism category:
If you can paint the real world, then you have a chance to illustrate another one. (Henryk Ptasiewicz)