Eric Serritella - From the Art category:
Art is the story of the subconscious as told by the hands. (Eric Serritella)
Eric Serritella - From the Artists category:
As artists we are psychological and emotional guides. Viewers are escorted by elements of design through each work but, ultimately, they must forge their own paths and make discoveries based upon their own realities. (Eric Serritella)
Eric Serritella - From the Communication category:
Art is an arena for connection, resonance and reverberation. Each sculpture I create is a conduit to emotion through inquiry, recognition and familiarity. (Eric Serritella)
Eric Serritella - From the Design category:
Design and detail become a symphony concert with layers of rhythm, melody and beat -- visual crescendos, rests, and layers of experience resonate over and over and over. (Eric Serritella)
Eric Serritella - From the Emotion category:
Fine craftsmanship creates impact, but story and emotion make it art. (Eric Serritella)
Eric Serritella - From the Environment category:
The life in each creation fosters awareness and a new way of seeing. The viewer may be influenced to acquire a new appreciation for the environment, choosing to walk with softer steps. (Eric Serritella)
Eric Serritella - From the Journey category:
The clay and I make the journey together through the tension of disagreement and the harmony of accord. The final form - the result of our conversation - has a life all its own. (Eric Serritella)
Eric Serritella - From the Mediums category:
Working with clay is a two-way conversation where discoveries are made. (Eric Serritella)
Eric Serritella - From the Nature category:
Birch trees are inspirational. They are the angels of the forest. (Eric Serritella)
Eric Serritella - From the Obsession category:
I consider my detailed artistic endeavors as OCD for profit. (Eric Serritella)
Eric Serritella - From the Rewards category:
My reward as an artist is to get an emotional reaction - whatever it may be. (Eric Serritella)
Eric Serritella - From the Sculpture category:
While sculpting, I am simultaneously mindful and oblivious to every detail. (Eric Serritella)