Philippe Petit quotes
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Philippe Petit Quotes

Quotes by Philippe Petit - (44 quotes)

Philippe Petit - From the Activity category:

I focus, I invent, I transform, I challenge, I attempt, I observe, I perform. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Aging category:

When you are a young person, the world is yours. You can do the impossible. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Art category:

Art is maybe a subversive activity. There is a certain rebellion when you are an artist at heart, even if only in the art of living. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Artists category:

There is no such thing as motivation in my world. I am not motivated to do what I do. As an artist, I am driven, I am compelled, I am thrust forward by a force so rooted inside me, so convincing, that it seems futile to try to explain it. Although it has a name: passion. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Authority category:

I've been arrested many times for illegal high wire walking and illegal street performing. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Challenge category:

An intellectual challenge presents itself? I am in bliss. Instantly, it brings forth the notion of triumph. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Confidence category:

I am not up there by chance. I am there by choice. And I know the wire. And I know my limits. And I am a madman of details. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Creativity category:

I was not born into the world of the stuntman and the daredevil; I was born into the world of theater and writing and sculpting and classical music. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Danger category:

Of course, the slightest little mistake on the wire will deprive me of my life, so in that sense, yes, it is a dangerous profession. You have to pay attention; if not, you will lose your life. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Destiny category:

My destiny no longer has me conquering the highest towers in the world, but rather the void they protect. This cannot be measured. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Difficulty category:

It's never easy. And yet, part of my art is to make it look easy. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Dissatisfaction category:

On the high wire, within months, I'm able to master all the tricks they do in the circus, except I am not satisfied. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Dreams category:

I'm known to make my dreams come true. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Education category:

I was in art school once a week from age six to 16, which was essential in shaping my artistic sensitivity. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Education category:

I was thrown out of different schools because I was practicing my arts - magic, juggling, and the high wire. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Expectation category:

There is a child inside me that wants to come out and do something to surprise all the adults. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Faith category:

Faith is what replaces doubt in my dictionary. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Fame category:

Fame was never something I was seeking in my artistic journey. It's to be used as a tool for an artist to break open doors and keep creating. That's how I enjoyed fame in '74; it was not just for the emptiness of being famous. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Fire category:

If it's a problem of fire, fire might very well be the answer. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Focus category:

If I have to make a self-portrait, I would put poetry and rebellion on the list. To be able to walk on a wire, to be able to juggle six hoops, you need focus, another word for tenacity, which is passion. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Freedom category:

I found out that total creativity involves a certain intellectual rebellion - not to become a criminal, but... you have to do things that are a little bit forbidden. You have to feel free, and we know freedom is a hard thing to get. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Impossibilities category:

The impossible - we are told - cannot be achieved. To overcome the 'impossible,' we need to use our wits and be fearless. We need to break the rules and to circumvent - some would say to cheat. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Intuition category:

Intuition is a tool essential in my life. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Journey category:

My journey has always been the balance between chaos and order. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Knowledge category:

I am a thief of knowledge and, in a survival way, I had to solve all the problems around me. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Life category:

You see, it's actually very good that a human activity is performed very close to death, because that's where life is. Life is, at its most valuable and most full, very close to the boundary of life. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Mirrors category:

I will never fall prey to celebrity because I am too busy. I have other things to do than look at myself in the mirror. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Money category:

Everybody wanted me to be rich and famous on my art. And I said no to all the commercials and all the seedy offers. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Passion category:

Passion is the motto of all my actions. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Performance category:

I am the poet of the high wire - I never do stunts; I do theatrical performances. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Performance category:

If a leaf fell from a tree, I'd stop juggling and play with the leaf. I went to my prop bag and got a little bandage and stuck the leaf back on the tree. People loved it. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Perseverance category:

Tenacity is how I kept at it against all odds. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Practice category:

It's very easy to walk on a wire if you spend a whole lifetime practicing for it. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Preparation category:

If you see how carefully I prepare... you will see that, actually, I narrow the unknown to virtually nothing. And that's when I am ready to walk on the wire. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Problems category:

Metaphorically speaking, of course, if I put a problem behind my pillow and fall asleep, very often because my brain went to sleep with that idea or the problem alive, very often in the middle of the night I wake up, and I wake up with a solution or with a direction of solution. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Profession category:

My parents were intelligent and encouraging, but at the same time, they were displeased at me becoming a wandering troubadour and wire walker. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Relaxation category:

On one day of the week, I relax - which is not true, I work furiously on other things. 'Relax' is not a word to me. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Rules category:

To be able to create fully, it's maybe fine that you learn the rules, but you have to forget and to rebel against those rules. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Seeing category:

If I see three oranges, I have to juggle. And if I see two towers, I have to walk. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Sleep category:

There was a time when fire and story would fall asleep in unison. It was dream time. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Sleep category:

This moment where we think we rest, when the brain is floating, you know, in sleep, is actually a moment where I could be very creative in a very strange, uncontrolled way. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Solitude category:

Truly, from a very early age, I started distancing myself from other kids, not out of willingness, but just out of the nature of my energy. I liked to do things solely, and I already had a taste of the quest for perfection, which is unusual in a little kid. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Symbols category:

It's always easy to describe something complex by applying to it an already known label. (Philippe Petit)

Philippe Petit - From the Technology category:

I hate all electronic things that are supposed to help the human being. You don't smell, you don't hear, you don't touch anymore. (Philippe Petit)