Steve Martin - From the Art category:
No art comes from the conscious mind. (Steve Martin)
Steve Martin - From the Editing category:
The conscious mind is the editor, and the subconscious mind is the writer. And the joy of writing, when you're writing from your subconscious, is beautiful – it's thrilling. When you're editing, which is your conscious mind, it's like torture. (Steve Martin)
Steve Martin - From the Frustration category:
I've just kind of decided that anytime it's torture, I want to stop. I'll just put it down and wait until it becomes not torture. (Steve Martin)
Steve Martin - From the Humour category:
Chaos in the midst of chaos is not funny, but chaos in the midst of order is. (Steve Martin)
Steve Martin - From the Light category:
A day without sunshine is like, you know, night. (Steve Martin)