Anna Deavere Smith quotes
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Anna Deavere Smith Quotes

Quotes by Anna Deavere Smith - (40 quotes)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Activity category:

What you are will show, ultimately. Start now, every day, becoming, in your actions, your regular actions, what you would like to become in the bigger scheme of things. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Art category:

Art... is not just inspirational. It is aspirational. It pricks the walls of our compartmentalized minds, opens our hearts and makes us brave. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Art category:

I think that art is supposed to be ahead of the times. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Artists category:

Artists are the people that no matter what, pick up the pen, pick up a paintbrush. They take the time to translate what is happening to create something that resonates deeply with the rest of the people that are caught in the middle of their own reality. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Commitment category:

- Letters to a Young Artist...
Commit to finding the true nature of art. Go for that thing no one can teach you. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Communication category:

Your desire to communicate must be bigger than your relationship with the chaotic and unfair realities. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Discipline category:

Discipline - both mental and physical - is crucial... We have to create our own standards of discipline. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Education category:

Learning is a tunnel experience that makes us think more broadly. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Exploration category:

- Letters to a Young Artist...
You are an explorer. You understand that every time you go into the studio, you are after something that does not yet exist. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Expression category:

I see myself first and foremost as a student of expression. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Friendship category:

Friendship is a wildly underrated medication. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Humanity category:

I love studying how people are. Not just what they're saying, but how they are, what they're doing. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Ideas category:

You know, interesting minds usually do hold more than one idea at a time. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Imagination category:

I went as far away from home as possible in terms of the development of my imagination. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Importance category:

I think it's really important to give yourself a very big question that you're working on that you can come home to (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Individuality category:

Identity is an assemblage of constellations. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Influence category:

You know, all kinds of people inspire me. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Interest category:

I am interested in personal stories because that's when people become expressive, spontaneous and heartfelt. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Intimacy category:

You know, real artists, we expose our flaws. We long for intimacy. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Jealousy category:

- Letters to a Young Artist...
Even jealousy is based on fantasies: a fantasy that someone else has what belongs to you. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Language category:

I call the language of political figures, pundits and administrators 'the haute couture of language.' (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Leadership category:

People in power have to be careful about what comes out of their mouth. They have to find exactly the right word that can't be attacked. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Life category:

Making your life is ultimately an extraordinarily creative endeavor. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Listening category:

Listening is not just hearing what someone tells you word for word. You have to listen with a heart. I don't want that to sound touchy-feely; it is not. It is very hard work. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Mirrors category:

My main concern is theater, and theater does not reflect or mirror society. It has been stingy and selfish, and it has to do better. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Obsession category:

Use your time to bathe yourself in the gift. Move your hand across the canvas. Go to museums. Make this into an obsession. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Performance category:

If you think about what acting is supposed to be, my job is to disappear. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Possibilities category:

I'm interested when things are upside down - because there are so many possibilities in that one moment. There is a lot that is exposed. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Power category:

My job in my work is not to acquire power; it's to question power. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Preparation category:

Be more than ready. Be present in your discipline. Remember your gift. Be grateful for your gift and treat it like a gift. Cherish it, take care of it, and pass it on. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Profession category:

In my profession, I'm around a lot of people whose bodies are their instruments in one way or another. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Recognition category:

Do you want to be an artist so that the whole world will look at you, or do you want to be an artist because you would like to use your ability to attract attention, to have the world see itself through you differently? (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Responsibility category:

That artists are called to be more responsible and 'true' is a tip of hat to their power. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Simplicity category:

Art should take what is complex and render it simply. It takes a lot of skill, human understanding, stamina, courage, energy, and heart to do that. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Teaching category:

You can't teach talent. You can't teach inspiration. You can teach people critical facilities. You can give them techniques. You can teach discipline. And you can teach them about the business. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Truth category:

My work is about giving voice to the unheard, and reiterating the voice of the heard in such a way that you question, or re-examine, what is the truth. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Unknowns category:

I never know when somebody's going to knock on the door of my own unconscious in a way that I wouldn't have anticipated. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Words category:

When you think about it, words can break your heart, or they can change your day. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Work category:

What my work is, is my approach to it. It's the practice. And my work is about the effort that I make to get there. And I think if there's anything artistic, it's in that middle space. (Anna Deavere Smith)

Anna Deavere Smith - From the Writing category:

Each person has a literature inside them. (Anna Deavere Smith)