Chris Gardner - From the Advice category:
Find something you love to do so much, you can't wait for the sun to rise to do it all over again. (Chris Gardner)
Chris Gardner - From the Courage category:
Ready or not, Tell yourself to jump. (Chris Gardner)
Chris Gardner - From the Courage category:
You have to be bold because there will be folks who will say, "You can't" or "You shouldn't" or "Why?" There is a certain boldness to saying, "Well, I really don't want to be a high-powered corporate lawyer. I'm really passionate about painting." (Chris Gardner)
Chris Gardner - From the Dreams category:
Though my mom had too many of her own dreams denied, deferred and destroyed, she instilled in me that I could have dreams. And not just have dreams but had a responsibility to make them reality. (Chris Gardner)
Chris Gardner - From the Expectation category:
Don't ever let someone tell you you can't do something. Not even me. (Chris Gardner)
Chris Gardner - From the Failure category:
It's okay to fail; it's not okay to quit. (Chris Gardner)
Chris Gardner - From the Money category:
I was late once and cost me $50,000. I figure it was cheaper to wear two watches. (Chris Gardner)
Chris Gardner - From the Passion category:
There is no plan B for passion. (Chris Gardner)
Chris Gardner - From the Progress category:
Baby steps count, as long as you are going forward. You add them all up, and one day you look back and you'll be surprised at where you might get to. (Chris Gardner)
Chris Gardner - From the Strength category:
You know how mountains get moved? Everyone who can move a couple, move a couple. Those who can move rocks, move rocks. Those who can move boulders, move boulders. That's how mountains get moved. If every one of us did everything we could, I believe we would be in a different world. (Chris Gardner)