Toba Beta quotes
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Toba Beta Quotes

Quotes by Toba Beta - (41 quotes)

Toba Beta - From the Advice category:

If you're in bad mood, take a deep breath. If you're in good mood, give thanks to God. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Aging category:

When you're young, you say what you feel. When you're adult, you speak what you think. When you grow old, you listen to what nature says. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Belief category:

- My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut...
If you truly believe in something that is totally rejected by others, then you've just made a difference. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Competition category:

Jealousy is love in competition. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Disappointment category:

Nobody sane wants to disappoint himself intentionally. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Doubt category:

- Master of Stupidity...
There's doubt in trying. Just do it or stop thinking. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Dreams category:

- Betelgeuse Incident...
Nothing else you want to do after all your dreams come true. You've become numb. You shouldn't have ever stopped dreaming. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Emotion category:

- My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut...
There's no such thing as emotion. It's only body chemistry in action. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Envy category:

An envious heart can't be original. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Exhaustion category:

- My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut...
Waiting's exhausting. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Friendship category:

Problem with an old friend who is too busy: he always perceives you as if never changed. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Happiness category:

- Betelgeuse Incident...
Unhappiness is often caused by tendency to find fault with others. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Hope category:

Hope attracts chances. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Importance category:

Arrogance is a creature. It does not have senses. It has only a sharp tongue and the pointing finger. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Impossibilities category:

Impossibility only lasts until you find new unbelievable hard evidences. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Jealousy category:

You can't be yourself within jealousy. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Loneliness category:

Thirsty for attention is a cry of loneliness. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Loneliness category:

-My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut...
Loneliness is a state of feeling that can be changed. People may still feel lonely even among the crowd. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Love category:

Love without hope will not survive. Love without faith changes nothing. Love gives power to hope and faith. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Magic category:

- Betelgeuse Incident...
There is no such thing as magic, supernatural, miracle; only something that's still beyond logic of the observer. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Masters category:

If there were a master of stupidity in this world, I would really love to listen to his success story. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Memory category:

By having good memories on every place you just visit, you are building paradise in your own heart and your life. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Patience category:

Never let the state of waiting be in your mind. Just do something else and do it by intention. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Perfection category:

To do better is better than to be perfect. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Practice category:

Practice doesn't make perfect. Practice reduces the imperfection. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Prayer category:

Many people pray to be kept out of unexpected problems. Some people pray to be able to confront and overcome them. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Questions category:

-Master of Stupidity...
If you don't listen to the question entirely, then you are going to revise your answers frequently. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Risk category:

-Master of Stupidity...
Not learning by doing, but learning by risking. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Searching category:

We all seek for lost things within us. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Seeing category:

- My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut...
Eyes can only capture objects that already seen in mind. And mind can only see things that already written in heart. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Symphony category:

When we feel, a kind of lyric is sung in our heart. / When we think, a kind of music is played in our mind. / In harmony, both create a beautiful symphony of life. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Travel category:

- Betelgeuse Incident...
When you don't know where to start, just go to a place you miss so much. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Truth category:

Many lies lie between one truth. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Understanding category:

Understanding is not absolutely final. What's now right could be wrong later. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Universe category:

Just as heart is a fountain of unspoken words, the universe is a womb of wonder weird worlds. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Winning category:

-Master of Stupidity...
If you're confused about what to do, it's a sign that your enemy is winning. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Wisdom category:

-Master of Stupidity...
We begin to learn wisely when we're willing to see world from other people's perspective. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Words category:

When I feel the beauty in words, I am sensing the logic of heart. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Words category:

- Betelgeuse Incident...
There has to be new words to explain new worlds. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Words category:

Powerful words harmonize heart and mind as if a symphony. (Toba Beta)

Toba Beta - From the Work category:

Observing and commenting, it is a piece of cake. Experiencing and sharing, that is a piece of work. (Toba Beta)