Northrop Frye quotes
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Northrop Frye Quotes

Quotes by Northrop Frye - (18 quotes)

Northrop Frye - From the Copying category:

Poetry can only be made out of other poems; novels out of other novels. (Northrop Frye)

Northrop Frye - From the Discovery category:

Just as a new scientific discovery manifests something that was already latent in the order of nature, and at the same time is logically related to the total structure of the existing science, so the new poem manifests something that was already latent in the order of words. (Northrop Frye)

Northrop Frye - From the Ego category:

The pursuit of beauty is much more dangerous nonsense than the pursuit of truth or goodness, because it affords a stronger temptation to the ego. (Northrop Frye)

Northrop Frye - From the Fashion category:

Popular art is normally decried as vulgar by the cultivated people of its time; then it loses favor with its original audience as a new generation grows up; then it begins to merge into the softer lighting of 'quaint,' and cultivated people become interested in it, and finally it begins to take on the archaic dignity of the primitive. (Northrop Frye)

Northrop Frye - From the Imagination category:

The world of literature is a world where there is no reality except that of the human imagination. (Northrop Frye)

Northrop Frye - From the Life category:

We do not live in centred space anymore, but have to create our own centres. (Northrop Frye)

Northrop Frye - From the Money category:

Americans like to make money; Canadians like to audit it. I know no other country where accountants have a higher social and moral status. (Northrop Frye)

Northrop Frye - From the Nature category:

Nature is inside art as its content, not outside as its model. (Northrop Frye)

Northrop Frye - From the Plagiarism category:

In our day the conventional element in literature is elaborately disguised by a law of copyright pretending that every work of art is an invention distinctive enough to be patented. (Northrop Frye)

Northrop Frye - From the Poetry category:

The poet... uses these two crude, primitive, archaic forms of thought (simile and metaphor) in the most uninhibited way, because his job is not to describe nature, but to show you a world completely absorbed and possessed by the human mind. (Northrop Frye)

Northrop Frye - From the Possibilities category:

It is of the essence of imaginative culture that it transcends the limits both of the naturally possible and of the morally acceptable. (Northrop Frye)

Northrop Frye - From the Reality category:

-on Lawren Harris...
The genuine artist, Harris is saying, finds reality in a point of identity between subject and object, a point at which the created world and the world that is really there become the same thing. (Northrop Frye)

Northrop Frye - From the Religion category:

Between religion's 'this is' and poetry's 'but suppose this is,' there must always be some kind of tension, until the possible and the actual meet at infinity. (Northrop Frye)

Northrop Frye - From the Renewal category:

Were art to redeem man, it could do so only by saving him from the seriousness of life and restoring him to an unexpected boyishness. (Northrop Frye)

Northrop Frye - From the Technology category:

The most technologically efficient machine that man has ever invented is the book. (Northrop Frye)

Northrop Frye - From the Thought category:

It is clear that all verbal structures with meaning are verbal imitations of that elusive psychological and physiological process known as thought, a process stumbling through emotional entanglements, sudden irrational convictions, involuntary gleams of insight, rationalized prejudices, and blocks of panic and inertia, finally to reach a completely incommunicable intuition. (Northrop Frye)

Northrop Frye - From the Travel category:

The traveler from Europe edges into it like a tiny Jonah entering an inconceivably large whale, slipping past the straits of Belle Isle into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, where five Canadian provinces surround him, for the most part invisible... to enter Canada is a matter of being silently swallowed by an alien continent. (Northrop Frye)

Northrop Frye - From the Writing category:

We have to look at the figures of speech a writer uses, his images and symbols, to realize that underneath all the complexity of human life that uneasy stare at an alien nature is still haunting us, and the problem of surmounting it still with us. (Northrop Frye)