Annie Murphy Paul quotes
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Annie Murphy Paul Quotes

Quotes by Annie Murphy Paul - (9 quotes)

Annie Murphy Paul - From the Experience category:

High school is a formative life experience, as social as it is academic, in which students encounter a jostling bazaar of potential identities... and choose, (or are assigned) one that will stay with them for years to come. (Annie Murphy Paul)

Annie Murphy Paul - From the Health category:

Foetal origins research suggests that the lifestyle that influences the development of disease is often not only the one we follow as adults, but the one our mothers practised when they were pregnant with us as well. (Annie Murphy Paul)

Annie Murphy Paul - From the Individuality category:

Psychological type has built a private world around itself, an intimate universe that has no need for external validation... For those within its charmed circle, type provides an unwavering self-conception, a foundation for relating to others, a plan for success, and an excuse for failure. (Annie Murphy Paul)

Annie Murphy Paul - From the Influence category:

The world has its way with us long before we're born. (Annie Murphy Paul)

Annie Murphy Paul - From the Order category:

Human beings have long looked for signs of order in the unruly variety of our own natures. (Annie Murphy Paul)

Annie Murphy Paul - From the Problems category:

By not giving yourself time to tune in to your meandering mind, you're missing out on the surprising solutions it may offer. (Annie Murphy Paul)

Annie Murphy Paul - From the Questions category:

What makes us the way we are? This is a question that has long fascinated me. It's why I became a writer. (Annie Murphy Paul)

Annie Murphy Paul - From the Stress category:

-on the morning commute and creativity...
The stress hormone cortisol can harm myelin, the fatty substance that coats our brain cells. Damage to these myelin sheaths slows down the speed with which signals are transmitted between neurons, making lightning-quick 'Eureka!' moments less likely. (Annie Murphy Paul)

Annie Murphy Paul - From the Writing category:

-BRILLIANT: The New Science of Learning...
Beyond typing: writing by hand increases brain activity and hones fine motor skills. (Annie Murphy Paul)