Arthur Symons - From the Fire category:
Love is a flaming heart, and its flames aspire / Till they cloud the soul in the smoke of a windy fire. (Arthur Symons)
Arthur Symons - From the Love category:
To have loved, to have been made happy thus,
/ What better fate has life in store for us? (Arthur Symons)
Arthur Symons - From the Memory category:
As perfume doth remain / In the folds where it hath lain, / So the thought of you, remaining / Deeply folded in my brain, / Will not leave me: all things leave me: / You remain. (Arthur Symons)
Arthur Symons - From the Perfection category:
Night, a more perfect day. (Arthur Symons)
Arthur Symons - From the Studio category:
Here in a little lonely room I am master of earth and sea, / And the planets come to me. (Arthur Symons)
Arthur Symons - From the Travel category:
A realist, in Venice, would become a romantic by mere faithfulness to what he saw before him. (Arthur Symons)
Arthur Symons - From the Words category:
Leave words to them whom words, not doings, move. (Arthur Symons)