Miles Patrick Yohnke quotes
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Miles Patrick Yohnke Quotes

Quotes by Miles Patrick Yohnke - (56 quotes)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Accomplishment category:

We have to stop telling people what we are going to do, what we have not yet accomplished, and tell them instead what we have accomplished. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Activity category:

Get off your knees and do. Words without action is death. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Ambition category:

One has to stop sitting in the back, waiting. Come to the front. The front row of life. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Art category:

Art must come from the heART. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Beauty category:

Real beauty is found in oneself. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Brother/Sisterhood category:

There is unity in commUNITY. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Children category:

We may find that like-minded people come in the form of children. They are the inspiration. And we download their child-like apps. A refurbished soul can be rebooted. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Communication category:

Exceptional art creates inspired conversations. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Creativity category:

Create all that you are capable of doing. Your disabilities can be turned into capabilities. You really can overcome and prosper. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Criticism category:

All your life you are going to be judged; what matters is keeping your soul intact and making work that matters. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Dissatisfaction category:

Inner tension, that hard-to-please place in the mind, can process an outbreak of beauty. You have to force it at times and it may seem ugly, but then the beauty will prevail. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Dreams category:

We can become prisoners of self. We have to stop doing time. We can live our lives like we planned in our youth. No matter where we are, how old, we can always reach our dreams. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Earth category:

It is our responsibility to take care of the eARTh. For it is God's artistic masterpiece. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Effort category:

You need both talent (engine) and effort (transmission) if you want to go anywhere in this world. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Failure category:

Turn your weaknesses into your strengths. Success is failure turned inside out. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Fame category:

When someone comes to me and says, 'I want to be a rock star,' I want to jump off my balcony. What they are really saying is, 'I want to be liked by the masses, I'm really insecure...' But, if they come to me and say, 'The music is in me, I can't seem to get away from it. I have to surrender to it,' then that is the person I want to work with. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Freedom category:

Transfer from external validation to internal self-validation. Freedom means knowing who you are. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Future category:

Your future must be planned, well designed, to exert a force that pulls you towards the promise of what can be. Act on your plan. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Generosity category:

Channel your existence into one of infinite giving and you'll leave behind an oasis of utopia. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Grace category:

Give life a meaning. Enter into grace using every moment for an offering. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Gratitude category:

We can't catch kindness in a net or a gun. When kindness is given to you, it's by choice. One must adopt an attitude of gratitude. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Growth category:

Each day we must be more than the last. If not, why be here? Why repeat yesterday's performance? (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Health category:

If people were made of fine china perhaps they would take far better care of themselves. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Keys category:

Your life is the key to your ignition. Go ahead, turn it over: generate a combustion that will spark the world. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Life category:

There are bookends of life, but what really matters is what goes on in the middle. That we are passionate people. That we are caring people. That we live! (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Life category:

Live in a state of being, believing that tomorrow you will find your paradise. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Limitations category:

The limit is the limit that we place upon ourselves. All around us are endless resources. Like an umbrella, the mind works best when open. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Meaning category:

We need to find a deeper meaning in life. Our duty, as artists, is to tap into those notes that resonate in us all - to strike a chord. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Money category:

The wealthiest people are those who enrich others. They have taken the 'ME' out of the enrich equation. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Music category:

Music has always been a great host by inviting me in and nurturing my mind. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Music category:

The iPod sound is 11 times less accurate than a CD-quality recording. We are not hearing recordings the way that they were intended to be heard by the artists that made them. And no one is even asking or questioning it. That sounds rotten to me. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Optimism category:

Be up-beat, not beat-up. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Originality category:

It is the triumph of the individual over art - the zenith of an original voice. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Originality category:

Be your own act. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Passion category:

Any activity done well is a result of a profound passion, from dedication to self. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Peace category:

The first job each of us should go to when we rise each morning is the job of helping others... What we will create from that job is a world of peace. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Performance category:

Acting isn't just about remembering the words, it's about becoming them. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Play category:

Music provides an internal playground of unspeakable joy. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Possessions category:

We are committing 'possessionocide' -- a genocide of our very souls by chasing possessions. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Possibilities category:

The amazing possibilities that appear with each present moment are literally within you. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Practice category:

Practice being amazing and you'll become exactly that. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Prayer category:

Drumming can become a form of prayer. A deep pulse of healing power drawn from one's inner core. Rhythms that can reach deep - mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically - that can instill an inner peace and balance from within. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Recognition category:

One must stand out from the herd in order to be heard. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Rejection category:

When someone says 'NO' to you, what they are really saying is 'Give me more information so I can say YES!' (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Repetition category:

Through a system of repetitions, one can achieve an end-goal that shows brilliantly but appears oddly to be without effort. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Repetition category:

The zen of now. Practice living in the present moment. Through a course of repetition of visualizations, practice and structure, we can unveil our true beauty to others. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Selling category:

Sell isn't a dirty 4 letter word. Quit is a dirty 4 letter word. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Silence category:

The silence of our internal sadness can become deafening. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Solitude category:

I search for solitude, and within that search I find 'me.' (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Standards category:

What separates a brilliant artist from a good one? One is brilliant. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Success category:

Successful people demand everything from themselves. They show up every day and are accountable to themselves. Everything they do has a hard statement, and they know when to stop. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Success category:

Successful people do all the things unsuccessful people do not want to do. They simply do it. They take the action required. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Technology category:

The smartphone is the greatest visual equalizer of our time. With just one view it transforms a great photographer's images back into an average, non-artistic statement. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Travel category:

To travel is to travel inward. That's the ultimate vacation. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Words category:

Words are merely words until we place our heart into them. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)

Miles Patrick Yohnke - From the Work category:

You are the writer, director, and producer of your own life's work. You premiere it to the world every waking second. (Miles Patrick Yohnke)