Ashgan Makarem - From the Art category:
Art is life... You sit alone... You stay aside... You still in your own world your loor inside your hand... (Ashgan Makarem)
Ashgan Makarem - From the Choices category:
I choose the right one because I didn't like it on the left. (Ashgan Makarem)
Ashgan Makarem - From the Colour category:
Colors all over... Walls are breaking down... let me fly now. (Ashgan Makarem)
Ashgan Makarem - From the Eccentricity category:
Being crazy... Strange... Hopeful... Is amazing in silence. (Ashgan Makarem)
Ashgan Makarem - From the Expectation category:
They tell me to paint it as it is, but I only can paint it as I see. (Ashgan Makarem)
Ashgan Makarem - From the Freedom category:
You shouldn't be free so you can feel free inside. (Ashgan Makarem)
Ashgan Makarem - From the Hope category:
Painting sun in jail leads me to paint an ice cream. (Ashgan Makarem)
Ashgan Makarem - From the Life category:
See life passing by like watching a video tape from a glass cover, hearing voices... As a record sound track. (Ashgan Makarem)
Ashgan Makarem - From the Listening category:
I don't comment, I listen... my lines go up to paint my comment and on... (Ashgan Makarem)
Ashgan Makarem - From the Revelation category:
Yes, I am the 15 years old Egyptian girl who walked in streets searching for her dreams flowing her awaken dream with her brush... (Ashgan Makarem)
Ashgan Makarem - From the Rules category:
Rules are in my own world, because I love the way it hurts. (Ashgan Makarem)
Ashgan Makarem - From the Searching category:
Missing where I was... Searching for new reactions, new life. (Ashgan Makarem)
Ashgan Makarem - From the Silence category:
Darkness... Silence wakes me up. (Ashgan Makarem)
Ashgan Makarem - From the Subject category:
Painting my life; it's already been painted... so... I am painting the shadow of it... (Ashgan Makarem)
Ashgan Makarem - From the Windows category:
It's like I'm not in my place... Watching behind my glass window... they say I see nothing. (Ashgan Makarem)