Laurie Anderson quotes
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Laurie Anderson Quotes

Quotes by Laurie Anderson - (38 quotes)

Laurie Anderson - From the Appreciation category:

I so much appreciate it when anybody tries to make something and tries to be an artist - I'm happy to see the work. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Art category:

Art is about paying attention. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Artists category:

I see and write things first as an artist, second as a woman, and third as a New Yorker. All three have built-in perspectives that aren't neutral. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Beauty category:

As an artist, I'd choose the thing that's beautiful more than the one that's true. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Books category:

I really like books that you can kind of hear as much as think about, that are so graphic and visual. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Collaboration category:

My job is to make images and leave the decision-making and conclusion-drawing to other people. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Complaining category:

I just sort of wish people would dance differently. It reminds me of teenage sex. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Criticism category:

I don't take compliments so well. I always hang my head and shuffle and kind of try to immediately forget. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Earth category:

If there are bases on the moon, that would be the end of the moon as we know it. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Expectation category:

The fewer expectations you have, the better. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Fear category:

People only stutter at the beginning of the word. They're not afraid when they get to the end of the word. There's just regret. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Freedom category:

Freedon is a scary thing. Most people don't want it. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Gender category:

I think women are excellent social critics. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Goals category:

I've been trying to avoid goal-oriented behavior. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Life category:

Paradise is exactly like where you are right now... only much, much better. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Limitations category:

It's good to take a longer view and think, What would I really like to do if I had no limitations whatsoever? (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Meaning category:

Writers want to summarize: 'What does this mean? What did we learn from this?' That's a very 19th-century way of thinking about art, because it assumes that it should make our lives better or teach us something. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Miracles category:

It's just such a great miracle when things do work, and they work for such a wild variety of crazy reasons. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Money category:

People are really suffering these days. There's a lot of corporate triumph and a lot of personal despair as they wonder what they are working for. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Music category:

Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Performance category:

The best thing about the term 'performance artist' is that it includes just about everything you might want to do. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Performance category:

Performance art is about joy, about making something that's so full of kind of a wild joy that you really can't put into words. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Performance category:

The thing that's characteristic of my performance is that I literally do drag the whole studio onto the stage. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Pets category:

I hate zoos. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Poetry category:

My secret dream is to write an epic poem. That's probably the most pretentious thing I've said. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Problems category:

The problem with prototypes is they don't always work. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Production category:

A lot of artists who have a certain style are expected to more or less keep doing their style. It's so easy to get into that rut of production. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Profession category:

I've never really had a hobby, unless you count art, which the IRS once told me I had to declare as a hobby since I hadn't made money with it. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Questions category:

My work is more about trying to ask good questions and not trying to come up with big shows... (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Reality category:

Why do you have to translate and decode things? Just let the image be. It will have a special kind of reality that it won't once it's decoded. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Subject category:

I have written a lot about snakes. There's something pretty primordial about it. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Technology category:

You can do great things with low-tech stuff. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Travel category:

I'm not usually where I think I am. It's kind of spooky. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Wonder category:

I'm an average enough person to point to the things I've gotten to see that are awe-inspiring. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Wonder category:

The world is a strange and wonderful place. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Words category:

A lot of words in English confuse the idea of life and electricity, like the word livewire. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Work category:

I'm a real workaholic. (Laurie Anderson)

Laurie Anderson - From the Writing category:

I have written a few children's books. The first book that I wrote was for children. It was called The Package, and it was a mystery story in pictures. It had no words. (Laurie Anderson)