Rick Rotante quotes
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Rick Rotante Quotes

Quotes by Rick Rotante - (23 quotes)

Rick Rotante - From the Artists category:

We are rained on, sunburned, fall off large rocks, get wet and acquire colds. We travel long distances for the 'right spot'; lose the light much too quickly; suffer neglect and rejection and self-doubt. We are windswept and spend more money on supplies than we will ever recover. We lose friends, models, spouses and loved ones... Ah! ain't life grand for an artist? (Rick Rotante)

Rick Rotante - From the Ego category:

We have to be honest when dealing with our ego, but we must temper that honesty... Reward is good, criticism is good, all in moderation. (Rick Rotante)

Rick Rotante - From the Focus category:

Edges are one way to focus the viewer's attention. (Rick Rotante)

Rick Rotante - From the Future category:

We are falling headlong at lightning speed toward the future as we slough off the past like dead skin. (Rick Rotante)

Rick Rotante - From the Greatness category:

Greatness is within, if you believe it. The trick is to really believe it. (Rick Rotante)

Rick Rotante - From the Humanity category:

If artists go away, the soul and conscience of humanity will lose its way. (Rick Rotante)

Rick Rotante - From the Importance category:

Composition next to value is the most important aspect of painting. Color isn't as important. (Rick Rotante)

Rick Rotante - From the Instinct category:

Talking about it gets in the way of the flow of instinct. (Rick Rotante)

Rick Rotante - From the Lines category:

We don't need shading or even perspective and we can understand the image. It's all in the placement of the lines of the work; the pressure and direction of the line. (Rick Rotante)

Rick Rotante - From the Mistakes category:

We humans are a product of mistakes. Without mistakes, we would cease to strive, function or produce. Think about that. (Rick Rotante)

Rick Rotante - From the Perfection category:

I strive for perfection, but seldom reach it. Which, I believe, is the way for an artist to work. The day I reach perfection is the day I will never paint again. (Rick Rotante)

Rick Rotante - From the Play category:

Playfulness is as difficult to learn as learning to paint. (Rick Rotante)

Rick Rotante - From the Poetry category:

True poetry is art, true art is poetry. Both sustain the heart. (Rick Rotante)

Rick Rotante - From the Problems category:

I use distance to help me 'see' better - walk away and get a cup of java... lay down and take a quick nap... get away from the problem. The idea is to let it go completely. When you return you will see what needs to be done. (Rick Rotante)

Rick Rotante - From the Procrastination category:

Procrastinators are the painters of tomorrow. (Rick Rotante)

Rick Rotante - From the Questions category:

There are studies on why we breathe, why we Love, why we advance, why we chew our nails... We are too caught up with the 'why we' factor... (Rick Rotante)

Rick Rotante - From the Rewards category:

It seems that the rewards are that much greater when success follows great strife. (Rick Rotante)

Rick Rotante - From the Risk category:

Creativity is risking everything you are with the knowledge that most won't get it. (Rick Rotante)

Rick Rotante - From the Signatures category:

Whatever mark you make, make it your own. It will pay off in the end when you start to sell... Buyers want to know who they are buying. In fact, it's a badge of honor to show off a signature. (Rick Rotante)

Rick Rotante - From the Suffering category:

The creative process seems indelibly linked to struggle and strife. The world believes artists by nature are meant to suffer. (Rick Rotante)

Rick Rotante - From the Survival category:

Today there is more available money and there are more potential buyers than before. Artists need to see themselves on a world stage and get out of the small town mentality if we are to survive. (Rick Rotante)

Rick Rotante - From the Words category:

If a picture speaks a thousand words, we may need to choose our words more carefully. (Rick Rotante)

Rick Rotante - From the Workshops category:

The workshop is not a class to make art; it is a class to make mistakes, to rework, not to make finished pieces. (Rick Rotante)