James Ellis - From the Accomplishment category:
Among all the accomplishments of life none are so important as refinement; it is not, like beauty, a gift of Nature, and can only be acquired by cultivation and practice. (James Ellis)
James Ellis - From the Activity category:
The lazy man aims at nothing, and generally hits it. (James Ellis)
James Ellis - From the Books category:
Books are the beehives of thought; laconics the honey taken from them. (James Ellis)
James Ellis - From the Danger category:
There is danger in all extremes. (James Ellis)
James Ellis - From the Desire category:
An inherent sense of man makes him long for an eternal paradise. (James Ellis)
James Ellis - From the Energy category:
Failures always overtake those who have the power to do, without the will to act, and who need that essential quality in life, energy. (James Ellis)
James Ellis - From the Immortality category:
Twilight is like death; the dark portal of night comes upon us, to open again in the glorious morning of immortality. (James Ellis)
James Ellis - From the Mirrors category:
Newspapers are the world's mirrors. (James Ellis)
James Ellis - From the Quotations category:
Maxims are often quoted by those who stand in more need of their application. (James Ellis)
James Ellis - From the Senses category:
Delicacy is an attribute of heaven. (James Ellis)
James Ellis - From the Sincerity category:
Earnestness is needed in this world as much as any virtue. (James Ellis)
James Ellis - From the Style category:
Style in painting is the same as in writing - a power over materials, whether words or colors. (James Ellis)
James Ellis - From the Thinking category:
The mind paints before the brush. (James Ellis)
James Ellis - From the Wisdom category:
Literature is the garden of wisdom. (James Ellis)