Alexandre Dumas quotes
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Alexandre Dumas Quotes

Quotes by Alexandre Dumas - (70 quotes)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Adventure category:

- The Three Musketeers...
Never fear quarrels, but seek hazardous adventures. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Advice category:

- The Three Musketeers...
He never gave his advice before it was demanded and even then it must be demanded twice. 'In general, people only ask for advice,' he said 'that they may not follow it or if they should follow it that they may have somebody to blame for having given it. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Authority category:

You who are in power have only the means that money produces - we who are in expectation, have those which devotion prompts. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Business category:

In business, sir, one has no friends, only correspondents. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Business category:

Business? It's quite simple. It's other people's money. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Children category:

How is it that little children are so intelligent and men so stupid? It must be education that does it. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Danger category:

All generalizations are dangerous, even this one. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Difficulty category:

- The Three Musketeers...
The merit of all things lies in their difficulty. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Doubt category:

A person who doubts himself is like a man who would enlist in the ranks of his enemies and bear arms against himself. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Dreams category:

So rapid is the flight of dreams upon the wings of imagination. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Drunkenness category:

- The Count of Monte Cristo...
So much the worse for those who fear wine, for it is because they have some bad thoughts which they are afraid the liquor will extract from their hearts. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Eccentricity category:

When one lives among madmen, one should train as a maniac. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Education category:

One's work may be finished someday, but one's education never. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Ego category:

Happiness is egotistical. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Emotion category:

- The Black Tulip...
There is nothing more galling to angry people than the coolness of those on whom they wish to vent their spleen. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Experience category:

The same thing is happening to me as happens to people in dreams when they see and feel a wound but can't remember having received it. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Fashion category:

- The Count of Monte Cristo...
I hate this life of the fashionable world, always ordered, measured, ruled, like our music-paper. What I have always wished for, desired, and coveted, is the life of an artist, free and independent, relying only on my own resources, and accountable only to myself. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Fear category:

Before one is afraid, one sees clearly; while one is afraid, one sees double; and after being afraid, one sees dimly. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Friendship category:

The friends we have lost do not repose under the ground... they are buried deep in our hearts. It has been thus ordained that they may always accompany us... (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Friendship category:

There is no friendship that cares about an overheard secret. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Gender category:

Women are never so strong as after their defeat. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Generosity category:

What is offered from a generous heart should be accepted generously. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Goodness category:

For all evils there are two remedies - time and silence. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Happiness category:

There is neither happiness nor misery in the world; there is only the comparison of one state with another, nothing more. He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Happiness category:

I don't think man was meant to attain happiness so easily. Happiness is like those palaces in fairy tales whose gates are guarded by dragons: We must fight in order to conquer it. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Humanity category:

- The Man in the Iron Mask...
The voice of human nature is nothing but one prolonged cry. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Humour category:

- The Three Musketeers...
I do not often laugh, sir, as you may perceive by the air of my countenance; but nevertheless, I retain the privilege of laughing when I please. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Ideas category:

For there are two distinct sorts of ideas: those that proceed from the head and those that emanate from the heart. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Impossibilities category:

- Twenty Years After...
Great people only thank you for doing the impossible; what's possible, they say they can effect themselves. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Indolence category:

I am orderly out of spirit of idleness, to save myself the trouble of looking after things... (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Integrity category:

I know the world is a drawing-room, from which we must retire politely and honestly; that is, with a bow, and our debts of honor paid. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Interest category:

Every individual, from the highest to the lowest degree, has his place in the ladder of social life, and around him swirls a little world of interests, composed of stormy passions and conflicting atoms. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Jealousy category:

Your life story is a novel; and people, though they love novels wound between two yellow paper covers, are oddly suspicious of those which come to them in living vellum. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Joy category:

Joy takes a strange effect at times - it seems to oppress us almost the same as sorrow. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Keys category:

Order is the key to all problems. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Knowledge category:

Learning does not make one learned: there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding. The first requires memory and the second philosophy. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Language category:

Mastery of language affords one remarkable opportunities. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Life category:

- The Count of Monte Cristo...
It's necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Materials category:

Yes; I am a supercargo; pen, ink, and paper are my tools, and without my tools I am fit for nothing. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Mistakes category:

The greater number of a man's errors come before him disguised under the specious form of necessity; then, after error has been committed in a moment of excitement, of delirium, or of fear, we see that we might have avoided and escaped it. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Money category:

Good fortune is the best of all mistresses. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Music category:

...I think it's very good music composed by a human composer and sung by two birds with two feet and no feathers! (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Nature category:

We'll go where the air is pure, where all sounds are soothing, where, no matter how proud one may be, one feels humble and finds oneself small - in short, we'll go to the sea. I love the sea as one loves a mistress and I long for her when I haven't seen her for some time. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Opportunity category:

Time, dear friend, time brings round opportunity; opportunity is the martingale of man. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Passion category:

Love is the most selfish of all the passions. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Patriotism category:

The difference between treason and patriotism is only a matter of dates. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Philosophy category:

Philosophy cannot be taught; it is the application of the sciences to truth. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Pleasure category:

- The Count of Monte Cristo...
When you compare the sorrows of real life to the pleasures of the imaginary one, you will never want to live again, only to dream forever. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Poetry category:

I began a poem in lines of one syllable. It's rather difficult, but the merit of all things lies in their difficulty. The subject matter is gallant. I'll read you the first canto; it's four hundred verses long and takes one minute. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Politics category:

In politics, my dear fellow, you know, as well as I do, there are no men, but ideas - no feelings, but interests; in politics we do not kill a man, we only remove an obstacle, that is all. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Prayer category:

For the happy man prayer is only a jumble of words, until the day when sorrow comes... (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Prosperity category:

On what slender threads do life and fortune hang? (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Questions category:

Do you think that, if I did, I would lead you to the answer inch by inch, like a dramatist or a novelist? (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Sadness category:

Are there not some places where we seem to breathe sadness? - why, we cannot tell. It is a chain of recollections - an idea which carries you back to other times, to other places - which, very likely, have no connection with the present time and place. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Searching category:

Often we pass beside happiness without seeing it, without looking at it, or even if we have seen and looked at it, without recognizing it. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Seeing category:

There are two ways of seeing: with the body and with the soul. The body's sight can sometimes forget, but the soul remembers forever. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Sleep category:

No, I slept as I always do when I am bored and have not the courage to amuse myself, or when I am hungry and have not the desire to eat. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Sleep category:

- Adventures in Czarist Russia...
Sleeping on a plank has one advantage - it encourages early rising. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Spirituality category:

When you are in doubt as to which you should serve, forsake the material appearance for the invisible principle, for this is everything. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Thought category:

Nothing makes time pass or shortens the way like a thought that absorbs in itself all the faculties of the one who is thinking. External existence is then like a sleep of which this thought is the dream. Under its influence, time has no more measure, space has no more distance. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Time category:

Haste is a poor counselor. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Tradition category:

We are entitled to violate history, provided that it results in handsome offspring. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Truth category:

Ah, lips that say one thing, while the heart thinks another. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Truth category:

All falsehood is a mask; and however well made the mask may be, with a little attention we may always succeed in distinguishing it from the true face. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Understanding category:

There are some situations which men understand by instinct, by which reason is powerless to explain; in such cases the greatest poet is he who gives utterance to the most natural and vehement outburst of sorrow. Those who hear the bitter cry are as much impressed as if they listened to an entire poem, and when the sufferer is sincere they are right in regarding his outburst as sublime. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Unknowns category:

But there is no need to know danger in order to fear it: indeed, it may be observed, that it is usually unknown perils that inspire the greatest terror. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Winning category:

I never play, because I am not rich enough to afford to lose or poor enough to want to win. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Wisdom category:

- The Count of Monte Cristo...
All human wisdom is contained in these two words - Wait and Hope. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Writing category:

I have always had more dread of a pen, a bottle of ink, and a sheet of paper than of a sword or pistol. (Alexandre Dumas)

Alexandre Dumas - From the Writing category:

- The Black Tulip...
There are some catastrophes that a poor writer's pen cannot describe and which he is obliged to leave to the imagination of his readers with a bald statement of the facts. (Alexandre Dumas)