Karen Phinney - From the Humanity category:
Ain't humanity wonderful? (Karen Phinney)
Karen Phinney - From the Humanity category:
How can we not see our interests have more in common than not, that we are far more alike in our humanity than different? (Karen Phinney)
Karen Phinney - From the Routine category:
We need to rewire the brain to work the creative outlet. It needs time just like other more mundane tasks. (Karen Phinney)
Karen Phinney - From the Watercolours category:
There's so much versatility in watercolour. You allow the paint to roll around, and then drop in some colour, just one that takes your fancy, and watch it explode into a shape that morphs into something else... lots of fun. (Karen Phinney)
Karen Phinney - From the Words category:
We take in the words and move on, but are somehow changed by them... (Karen Phinney)