Tom Lynch - From the Emotion category:
The mood you see in my paintings was never there. It was superimposed from another place. (Tom Lynch)
Tom Lynch - From the Enthusiasm category:
Preliminary pencil sketches can diminish our enthusiasm to paint. (Tom Lynch)
Tom Lynch - From the Excellence category:
More detail doesn't necessarily mean a better painting, it just means more detail. (Tom Lynch)
Tom Lynch - From the Interpretation category:
Our interpretation is more important than what we are looking at. Just because the painting looks like something does not mean that it is successful. (Tom Lynch)
Tom Lynch - From the Painting category:
Painting and sketching on-location gives you the opportunity to solve many painting problems... It allows you to break down the painting process into parts and work those parts individually. (Tom Lynch)
Tom Lynch - From the Practice category:
Artists are notorious for spending more time 'producing' paintings and spending little or no time 'practicing'. (Tom Lynch)
Tom Lynch - From the Technique category:
Our painting should be more than an exercise in technique, it should be a means to an end – the end being what we want to express using the subject. (Tom Lynch)
Tom Lynch - From the Tones category:
Don't hide a terrific painting in the mid-tone. (Tom Lynch)
Tom Lynch - From the Values category:
The best way to show depth is to have variation in values. The best way to learn this is to paint without color... (Tom Lynch)
Tom Lynch - From the Values category:
Put a strong dark in early, near your center of interest, to serve as a value scale, nothing can be darker. (Tom Lynch)
Tom Lynch - From the Values category:
The best part about being an artist is that you don't have to copy the values found in your subject. Your job is to... decide how you can go beyond the references to alter or enhance the values. (Tom Lynch)
Tom Lynch - From the Vision category:
An artist is paid for his vision, not his reporting. (Tom Lynch)