Robert Bissett - From the Abstraction category:
All paintings are abstract. Some abstract paintings also have pictorial representation or narrative content, but in essence they are first and foremost abstract because we have only paint. (Robert Bissett)
Robert Bissett - From the Acrylics category:
Use acrylics like acrylics – don't set yourself up for disappointments. (Robert Bissett)
Robert Bissett - From the Acrylics category:
Acrylics can be used in the age-old pursuit of enjoyment, mastery and inspiration as easily and successfully as any traditional medium. (Robert Bissett)
Robert Bissett - From the Application category:
In time, if there are to be good paintings, an underlying visual concept guides the application of paint. (Robert Bissett)
Robert Bissett - From the Copying category:
You can copyright your art, but not your artistic vision. (Robert Bissett)
Robert Bissett - From the Discovery category:
The occasional artist discovers how to breathe life into the canvas and the painting sings with a pure voice. (Robert Bissett)
Robert Bissett - From the Excellence category:
To become a good artist you must first be a good learner, a good teacher, a good appropriator and a good personal coach. (Robert Bissett)
Robert Bissett - From the Mistakes category:
A painting is a series of corrected mistakes. (Robert Bissett)
Robert Bissett - From the Modernism category:
Modern art was motivated at least in part by an attempt to avoid appropriating and be original. Seemed to work for a while, but look at it now. (Robert Bissett)
Robert Bissett - From the Rules category:
Every tip is a tiny spark that helps light the way... a painting tip's exact opposite is often true as well. There are no rules in art and here they are... (Robert Bissett)
Robert Bissett - From the Searching category:
Don't become overly enamored with nature. Don't fall in love with another artist's work. Don't be mesmerized by a photograph. Your painting is not there. (Robert Bissett)
Robert Bissett - From the Technique category:
The beginning painter is focused on learning technique with the goal of accuracy. Then comes the realization that composition and design are more important. (Robert Bissett)
Robert Bissett - From the Workshops category:
We learn from trying new things. We learn from other artists as well. In workshops I like to start by saying that I plan to learn from the students while they learn from me. (Robert Bissett)