Robert Burns - From the Disappointment category:
Suspense is worse than disappointment. (Robert Burns)
Robert Burns - From the Experience category:
What's done we partly may compute, but know not what's resisted. (Robert Burns)
Robert Burns - From the Fire category:
Gie me a spark o' Nature's fire, / That's a' the learning I desire. (Robert Burns)
Robert Burns - From the Grace category:
Their sighing, canting, grace-proud faces, their three-mile prayers, and half-mile graces. (Robert Burns)
Robert Burns - From the Hope category:
Hope springs exulting on triumphant wing. (Robert Burns)
Robert Burns - From the Planning category:
The best laid schemes o' mice and men / Gang aft a-gley. (Robert Burns)
Robert Burns - From the Poetry category:
Just now I've taen the fit o' rhyme / My barmie noddle's working prime. (Robert Burns)
Robert Burns - From the Quotations category:
I pick my favorite quotations and store them in my mind as ready armor, offensive or defensive, amid the struggle of this turbulent existence. (Robert Burns)