Cecil B. de Mille quotes
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Cecil B. de Mille Quotes

Quotes by Cecil B. de Mille - (5 quotes)

Cecil B. de Mille - From the Critics category:

A dozen press agents working overtime can do terrible things to the human spirit. (Cecil B. de Mille)

Cecil B. de Mille - From the Critics category:

Every time I make a picture the critic's estimate of American public taste goes down another ten percent. (Cecil B. de Mille)

Cecil B. de Mille - From the Dissatisfaction category:

What I have crossed out I didn't like. What I haven't crossed out I'm dissatisfied with. (Cecil B. de Mille)

Cecil B. de Mille - From the Drunkenness category:

Creation is a drug I can't do without. (Cecil B. de Mille)

Cecil B. de Mille - From the Success category:

Most of us serve our ideals by fits and starts. The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication. (Cecil B. de Mille)