Mark Jacobson - From the Acrylics category:
Acrylic has one very strange, very unique trait which can be maddening... It doesn't have any 'personality' – which seems to already, somehow, be present in oil paint or tempera. (Mark Jacobson)
Mark Jacobson - From the Acrylics category:
It's the challenge of trying to breathe 'life', to breathe 'resonance' into an otherwise rather impersonal 'plastic', that keeps me sitting at the easel hour after hour. (Mark Jacobson)
Mark Jacobson - From the Acrylics category:
Acrylic can reach a high level of intensity, a sharpness and 'hard-edged' truth, which is a little bit too easy to smudge over, or just blur out, when you work in oils alone. (Mark Jacobson)