Tom Francesconi - From the Communication category:
I attempt to communicate through the medium of print a lively interpretation of my subject, endeavoring to capture its spirit. (Tom Francesconi)
Tom Francesconi - From the Enthusiasm category:
I intend for my paintings to reflect an enthusiastic response to the world around me – perhaps, more simply stated, a celebration of being. (Tom Francesconi)
Tom Francesconi - From the Exploration category:
I am mindful to allow for the joy of exploration and discovery within the framework of each of my works. (Tom Francesconi)
Tom Francesconi - From the Ideas category:
The foundation of my ideas is the result of being inspired by a particular shape, quality of light or arrangement of form. (Tom Francesconi)
Tom Francesconi - From the Love category:
Paired with a love of painting is an incessant desire to express myself. My works represent the culmination of this combined love and internal stirring. (Tom Francesconi)