Nicoletta Baumeister quotes
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Nicoletta Baumeister Quotes

Quotes by Nicoletta Baumeister - (22 quotes)

Nicoletta Baumeister - From the Awareness category:

Between the periods of waking and sleeping, being conscious and unconscious, aware and unaware, so much water passes. I heavily suspect the things I see when aware, awake and conscious are merely what I want to see. (Nicoletta Baumeister)

Nicoletta Baumeister - From the Chaos category:

The urban world is full of chaotic compositions that seem to make sense in a way that earlier decades and centuries could never have imagined. (Nicoletta Baumeister)

Nicoletta Baumeister - From the Children category:

In childhood, time is kind. A moment is swallowed whole, by senses open and able. (Nicoletta Baumeister)

Nicoletta Baumeister - From the Ego category:

Nothing we do is separate from the functioning entity we call our selves. (Nicoletta Baumeister)

Nicoletta Baumeister - From the Flow category:

There is really nothing but the flow. You are not really on the bank. That, methinks, is the greatest illusion of all. You are the bank, the flow, the boat, the rudder. (Nicoletta Baumeister)

Nicoletta Baumeister - From the Focus category:

An even more narrow focus still comes with the hollow puppet of memory. (Nicoletta Baumeister)

Nicoletta Baumeister - From the Gratitude category:

Gratefulness thoughts in the morning light are about the setting of the daily lens. What will we take in, what will we seek and what is today's sense of self? (Nicoletta Baumeister)

Nicoletta Baumeister - From the Insight category:

We must jump into the unknown to gain new insight. (Nicoletta Baumeister)

Nicoletta Baumeister - From the Invention category:

The more you limit yourself, the more fertile you get in inventiveness. (Nicoletta Baumeister)

Nicoletta Baumeister - From the Meaning category:

A huge component of the process of making art is the making of meaning – taking stimuli, sorting it, reconstructing it and communicating it. (Nicoletta Baumeister)

Nicoletta Baumeister - From the Meditation category:

People who achieve the highest states of meditation, or transcendental experiences, show decreased activity in the part of the brain responsible for our perception that reality is separate from our selves. (Nicoletta Baumeister)

Nicoletta Baumeister - From the Mysteries category:

How can we find the sublime, the subtle, the wind which holds the kite aloft? (Nicoletta Baumeister)

Nicoletta Baumeister - From the Peace category:

A poem, haiku or a small drawing at night has the effect of driving all other thoughts away. The narrowed focus and purity of intent creates a sense of calm after a day of supersaturated activity. (Nicoletta Baumeister)

Nicoletta Baumeister - From the Possessions category:

Are we the vessel, or are we the contents? Again, our culture would have us believe we are the vessel, the thing that accumulates possessions. But that is not where the dance of life takes place. (Nicoletta Baumeister)

Nicoletta Baumeister - From the Questions category:

Sure, I am where I am because of where I have been, but what of the question, 'Where has the rudder touched the quintessential flow?' Which current would it have discovered had it been tested by another push, another pull? (Nicoletta Baumeister)

Nicoletta Baumeister - From the Routine category:

Get on a daily routine... Working is a process not a product. Success comes from the word, succeed: Latin: 'to under go.' You must keep moving. (Nicoletta Baumeister)

Nicoletta Baumeister - From the Searching category:

I have experienced more sadness at the finding than at the losing. It is often only when I have found something that I discover I had lost it. (Nicoletta Baumeister)

Nicoletta Baumeister - From the Senses category:

What greater gift than being able to communicate and enable our fellow humans the sensations of being alive. (Nicoletta Baumeister)

Nicoletta Baumeister - From the Talent category:

We must be of the water within the capsule: truly being alive only when we pour out our talent, energy and love, because only then is there room for more gifts to flow in... (Nicoletta Baumeister)

Nicoletta Baumeister - From the Thought category:

Thoughts are so ephemeral, part of a stream which flows past the observer on the bank. (Nicoletta Baumeister)

Nicoletta Baumeister - From the Trust category:

Trust in the value of your own persistence and obey the intuitive mandate. (Nicoletta Baumeister)

Nicoletta Baumeister - From the Writing category:

Writing down thoughts is like making marks in the wind. The wind in turn makes kites fly even as we cannot see the strings. (Nicoletta Baumeister)