Earl Grenville Killeen quotes
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Earl Grenville Killeen Quotes

Quotes by Earl Grenville Killeen - (9 quotes)

Earl Grenville Killeen - From the Accidents category:

By painting one painting after another as fast as possible, not only does the work get better, but every accident becomes an opportunity to experiment. Sometimes one accident can be combined with another. (Earl Grenville Killeen)

Earl Grenville Killeen - From the Acrylics category:

Acrylic has an 'open-door policy' – once you learn one thing about this medium, a door opens and you realize that the learning possibilities are endless. (Earl Grenville Killeen)

Earl Grenville Killeen - From the Acrylics category:

Expect a period of experimentation aimed at finding out what acrylics do and don't want to do. (Earl Grenville Killeen)

Earl Grenville Killeen - From the Acrylics category:

Acrylic is not just a hard-edge medium, or one that has to look like plastic... It can resemble anything from a watercolor to an oil, though the techniques used in applying this medium are its own. (Earl Grenville Killeen)

Earl Grenville Killeen - From the Creativity category:

The creative process for me unfolds in three stages that I call the search, focus and application. (Earl Grenville Killeen)

Earl Grenville Killeen - From the Materials category:

Don't overlook some of the best tools you have in your possession – your fingers and hands. (Earl Grenville Killeen)

Earl Grenville Killeen - From the Mistakes category:

To improve a painting, you must be willing to make mistakes, even big ones. (Earl Grenville Killeen)

Earl Grenville Killeen - From the Questions category:

Ask yourself, 'Is it a mistake just because it is not what I intended to do?' (Earl Grenville Killeen)

Earl Grenville Killeen - From the Studio category:

The sign on my studio door warns, 'Beware of Flying Brushes.' (Earl Grenville Killeen)