D. H. Lawrence quotes
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D. H. Lawrence Quotes

Quotes by D. H. Lawrence - (22 quotes)

D. H. Lawrence - From the Artists category:

An artist is only an ordinary man with a greater potentiality. (D. H. Lawrence)

D. H. Lawrence - From the Awareness category:

Art is a form of supremely delicate awareness... meaning at-oneness, the state of being at one with the object. (D. H. Lawrence)

D. H. Lawrence - From the Comprehension category:

Try to find your deepest issue in every confusion, and abide by that. (D. H. Lawrence)

D. H. Lawrence - From the Discovery category:

You've got to know yourself so you can at last be yourself. (D. H. Lawrence)

D. H. Lawrence - From the Eroticism category:

Pornography is the attempt to insult sex, to do dirt on it. (D. H. Lawrence)

D. H. Lawrence - From the Friendship category:

One doesn't know, till one is a bit at odds with the world, how much one's friends who believe in one rather generously, mean to one. (D. H. Lawrence)

D. H. Lawrence - From the Gender category:

The cruelest thing a man can do to a woman is to portray her as perfection. (D. H. Lawrence)

D. H. Lawrence - From the Idealism category:

Away with ideals. Let each individual act spontaneously from the forever incalculable prompting of the creative wellhead within him. There is no universal law. (D. H. Lawrence)

D. H. Lawrence - From the Language category:

When I read Shakespeare I am struck with wonder / That such trivial people should muse and thunder / In such lovely language. (D. H. Lawrence)

D. H. Lawrence - From the Love category:

You must always be a-waggle with LOVE. (D. H. Lawrence)

D. H. Lawrence - From the Modernism category:

I have lived among enough painters and around studios to have had all the theories – and how contradictory they are – rammed down my throat. A man has to have a gizzard like an ostrich to digest all the brass-tacks and wire nails of modern art theories. (D. H. Lawrence)

D. H. Lawrence - From the Morality category:

Morality which is based on ideas, or on an ideal, is an unmitigated evil. (D. H. Lawrence)

D. H. Lawrence - From the Passion category:

Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot. (D. H. Lawrence)

D. H. Lawrence - From the Photography category:

The modern pantheist not only sees the god in everything, he takes photographs of it. (D. H. Lawrence)

D. H. Lawrence - From the Religion category:

Plant consciousness, insect consciousness, fish consciousness, all are related by one permanent element, which we may call the religious element inherent in all life, even in a flea: the sense of wonder. That is our sixth sense, and it is the natural religious sense. (D. H. Lawrence)

D. H. Lawrence - From the Repetition category:

But better die than live mechanically a life that is a repetition of repetitions. (D. H. Lawrence)

D. H. Lawrence - From the Suffering category:

-in a letter to Catherine Carswell, 1916...
I am only half there when I am ill, and so there is only half a man to suffer. To suffer in one's whole self is so great a violation, that it is not to be endured. (D. H. Lawrence)

D. H. Lawrence - From the Thought category:

I can never decide whether my dreams are the result of my thoughts, or my thoughts the result of my dreams. (D. H. Lawrence)

D. H. Lawrence - From the Truth category:

Art-speech is the only truth. An artist is usually a damned liar, but his art, if it be art, will tell you the truth of his day. And that is what matters. (D. H. Lawrence)

D. H. Lawrence - From the Vision category:

The picture must all come out of the artist's inside... It is the image that lives in the consciousness, alive like a vision, but unknown. (D. H. Lawrence)

D. H. Lawrence - From the Wonder category:

And when the wonder has gone out of a man he is dead... When all comes to all, the most precious element in life is wonder. Love is a great emotion, and power is power, but both love and power are based on wonder. Love without wonder is a sensational affair, and power without wonder is mere force and compulsion. (D. H. Lawrence)

D. H. Lawrence - From the Writing category:

-in a letter to Lady Cynthia Asquith, 1913...
I like to write when I feel spiteful: it's like having a good sneeze. (D. H. Lawrence)